
Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy

This privacy policy covers (Travel Clinic Edinburgh) collection, use and disclosure of information practices while on our website ( This privacy policy together with our terms and conditions and other agreements with you forms the basis on which we will collect and process your data. In this policy, (Travel Clinic Edinburgh) is referred to as, we, us, our. The policy describes how we collect, store and process your data on this website.

The collection and use of information by us

What information we may collect from you (the user) when you use our website or services?

  • Contact details such as name, email address, mailing address, phone number.
  • For pharmacy services, we collect information such as your medical history, medication history, gender, NHS number, date of birth, GP details.
  • Your preferences information such as product wish lists, order history, marketing preferences, reviews.
  • Information that you provide by filling in the forms on this website.
  • Information you provide when you report a problem or query.
  • Payment details

We try to reduce the holding and use of sensitive information.

How we may use your data?

  • To provide you with our services
  • To process your booking.
  • We may provide some services on our website which are supplied by a third party, such as an online doctor or travel clinic booking system. By using these services, the third-party providers will have access to your personal details.
  • Send you alerts about booked service such as vaccinations, medication review and other private services
  • Respond to requests.
  • Process your payments for such products and services
  • Create and maintain your account
  • Send you a newsletter if you have consented
  • Respond to your questions and concerns
  • Review and enhance the quality of our services and products
  • Assist in the detection of fraud.
  • For legally required reporting to the government agencies of test results.

Why do we collect, process and store your data?

We need to collect, process and store your data to enable efficient and legally compliant delivery of services and products to you (all users).

Legal bases for processing data

We rely on the following legal bases to process your information in line with legal requirements.

  • Consent: When you register on our website, you agree and give us consent to process your data for the delivery of products and services to you by us.
  • Legitimate interests: To enable us to conduct our necessary business but not when our interests are overridden by your interests or rights.
  • Allowing us to fulfil a contract: We are required to process your personal information in order to provide you with one of our products or services.
  • Vital interests: When processing your personal data is vital to protect you or someone else’s life.
  • Legal obligation: When we are required by law to process your personal information. We will always try to contact you unless we are restricted by law.

How long do we hold your data?

We may hold your data for as long as it’s legally required and to enable us to maintain your account. User can request to delete their personal data from our system, please refer to the “User access and choices section” of the policy for details.